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Image by Pedro Lima



Please join with us in praying for the following people from Trinity Church...


Pray for our national and local leaders as they grapple with difficult decisions.

"Dear friends, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well." (3 John 1:2)
From our Church family, remember...
Karen A, Marion B, Helen I, Lauretta R-N,  
Mike B, Odessa H, Jay H, Carlos, Joan T
Elizabeth K and Reg K 
for health concerns
Janet H, recovering following an operation
Those who are in hospital recovering and awaiting test results
Please remember...
Mary, currently receiving palliative care for bone and lung cancer
Mike B's niece, recovering from surgery
Lynne, who has health issues; her granddaughter is worried about her
Debbie and family whose husband Chris passed away 26th February; they wish to thank you for your prayers
GP Surgery staff and those working in Hospitals
Street Pastors, as they minister on the streets
Those who use Foodbanks and Warm Spaces; we give thanks for the volunteers
As we go out Street Cleaning, for connections to be made with our neighbours
We pray for peace:
Haiti, Papua New Guinea
Palestine, Israel, Iran, Lebanon;
Turkey, Syria;
Ukraine, Russia
 For the families who have lost loved ones
For organisations / charities seeking to help.
Countries in our world who are experiencing violence/political unrest and "natural" disasters (people in LA, USA displaced and mourning lost loved ones) ; remember the Aid Workers, Missionaries
We give thanks that peace is spoken of and actioned in Israel and Palestine
Pray for the continued safety and well-being for all members of the church and their families 
Please email me (link below) if you know of others who need our prayers at this time.






In one week in September 2024 five people were executed in states of the USA (Alabama (nitrogen gas), South Carolina, Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma (all lethal injection). 1,600 executions have taken place in the US since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976.

Anti-Christian attacks by fundamentalist Jewish settlers in Jerusalem are reported to have increased since 2023 following the election of a right-wing government. Targets have been Armenians and priests of all denominations. In October 2024 the abbot of the Benedictine Abbey of the Dormition also reported recent attacks, including spitting, verbal insults and jostling. He also emphasised that many Jews supported him and his monks in friendship.

The German parliament agreed in November 2024 a controversial resolution to combat antisemitism in Germany. Politicians, lawyers experts, civil society groups and leading Jewish figures are divided about whether the new measure, which regulates funding for public bodies and projects, is in danger of equating legitimate criticism of Israel with antisemitism.

In Iran Varisheh Moradi has been tortured and sentenced to death (10 November 2024) without a fair trial. A Kurdish women's rights activist, she was charged with "armed rebellion". She began a hunger strike on 10 October in protest at her treatment and the increasing use of capital punishment in Iran. At least four public executions were carried out in Iran in August, September and November. On 7 August 29 prisoners were executed across two prisons, while October saw a record-breaking 178 individuals put to death, the highest monthly total in recent years.

Burkina Faso’s military junta reportedly plans to reinstate the death penalty, which was abolished in the 2018 penal code (November 2024). The last known executions in Burkina Faso were in 1988. This is the latest blow to the West African country’s deteriorating human rights situation.

In early November Mozambican security forces indiscriminately fired into residential areas and deployed excessive force, including live ammunition, to disperse thousands of people protesting against the election results of 9 October. The media has reported that they have killed dozens of people and injured hundreds.


Lord Jesus,

You experienced in person what it is like to have a death sentence hanging over you.

You were plotted against, betrayed by a friend, and arrested under cover of darkness by men who came with clubs and swords.


You were tortured, beaten and humiliated; sentenced to an agonising death, though you had done no wrong.

Be now with prisoners throughout the world. Be with them in the darkness of the dungeon, in the loneliness of separation from those they love.

Be with them in their fear of what may come to them, in the agony of their torture and in the face of execution and death.

Stretch out your hands in mercy to all who have need of you at this time.


Merciful God,
we entrust to your tender care
those who are ill or in pain,
knowing that whenever danger threatens
your everlasting arms are there to hold them safe.
Comfort and heal them,
and restore them to health and strength;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Image by Jeremy Yap


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Charity Registered No. 1139238

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