Sunday Services at 10.30am
Please see our What's On Page, on the "Who We Are" tab
Every Tuesday
we will be meeting in the Sanctuary to Pray, from 8pm to 9pm - please do come along whenever you are available.
If you cannot make it and you would like us to pray for you or a situation, please do not hesitate to contact us by email or phone
020 8863 5147 // 0300 121 0300
Coffee Morning
Mission Saturday
(also for those who want to Litter Picking and/or
Pray on the Doorstep)
10.00am - 1.00pm
Then the 3rd Saturday
of every month
(except in April & December)
15th March...
For information on the arrangements for services please contact the Church Office.
Home Groups will meet altogether on the first Sunday of the month, in the Sanctuary
Sunday Services
Current and past services can be found on this website,
under the Media Tab (Recorded Services - Past Services) or Podcast (Media Tab-Podcast)
Please join us:
Please see the Home Tab for Services
Beginning of Lent
5th March 2025
Ash Wednesday
Worship Night
7.30pm - 9.00pm
9th March 2025
Lent 1
Worship Service
Membership Class 12.30pm-1.30pm
For those that cannot attend in person the Service is Live Streamed.
Please see the login button on the
website Home Page
Thursdays every 2 weeks
Next - 6th March
Online Bible Study:
Topic: Journey through the Bible in 2 years; Genesis to Revelation
discuss, delve deeper
Time: - London 20.00-21.30
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 383 886 8539
Passcode: 1111
One tap mobile
Dial by your location
+44 208 080 6592 United Kingdom
+44 330 088 5830 United Kingdom
+44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom
+44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom
+44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom
+44 203 901 7895 United Kingdom
+44 208 080 6591 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 383 886 8539
Passcode: 1111
Find your local number:
Membership Classes
9th & 16th March, 12.30pm-1.30pm
An indication of numbers is required;
please print your name as your intention to attend on the sign-up sheet in the Link or contact the Church Office
For further information, please speak
to Pastor David
Message from Thursday meeting Brownies
Words from Jade,
Leader of 9th Headstone Brownies
"Some of the team behind our lovely hall held an Autumn Fun evening for us. We had lots of fun making lanterns, toasting marshmallows and sharing our favourite campfire songs with a talented musician who impressively even managed to play along to the penguin song! It was a great opportunity to show them how great Girlguiding is!"
Trinity Church, Harrow Girlguiding UK
For more information on how your girls can join, please go to (ages 7 to 10); (ages 5 to 7) or call 0800 169 5901
As Pastor David mentioned, during the month of June and July we have to update our membership records, this is a regular occurrence.
Please choose if you wish to be considered a Member (with full voting rights) or alternatively a Friend of Trinity.
Forms are on the table in the Sanctuary and below.
We ask that you complete as soon as possible and return them for the attention of the Trustees (via church office) or place them in the box on a Sunday.
Trustees will verify membership status.
Please pray:
For the Re:gen team as we prepare
for the schools, their children & staff.
As always, thank you for your ongoing support!
DanceAbility meet at Trinity Church every Tuesday during the school term. They welcome new members of any ability and their classes are very relaxed. Volunteers would also be welcome.
Please see the PDF below.